In figure a. we see an ear and in figure b. we see some wind up crayons.
Now most of us would look at this combination and say "Silly wind ups you won't like my tympanic membrane, you should probably stay away"
Even in this game, the sims urbz, where you got to mix different ingredients together and hope it would make something edible, Even in this game you didn't have a chance to mix these 2 things together because most people realise it's not that smart.
And then there's my brother

Don't get me wrong i love him but by around year 7 you should have realised that those 2 don't go together. and according to him he does and did know that.
After complaining about a sore ear for a while he was taken to the doctor and they found a part of a wind up in his ear. They tried to get it out many times and couldn't so he had to go to hospital.
He was asked several times why he did it and lo and behold he didn't do it. when asked who did if he didn't. welll he doesn't remember. That's right Connor. there are soooo many ninjas going around secretly stabbing people in the ear with wind ups so they have to go to hospital and have ear surgery. It's a conspiracy by ear doctors who aren't getting enough business... :/
But with a doctor and a hospital visit and conclusive proof of wind up in ear syndrome Connor still denies he did it so yeahhh i call shenanigans
At least he's consistent
i was actually in year 4 when that happened