That is my response to all the dirty ho's I've see at the Deen lately.

Dirty Hose and Dirty Ho's. Learn the difference, it could save your life/genitals.
A few weeks ago some girl wanted my spot on the stage. I had waited and waited and then just for the fun of it I waited some more. Eventually i got to the front of the stage and this dirty ho tried to take my spot!
The first thing she did was to try and use her feminine wiles to get me to move, however when she realised i wasn't interested in her downstairs tuna pouch things got nasty. She kept hipbutting me trying to get me out of the way, over and over again almost as if all she's ever done is move her hips up and down and around and around all her life... Ohwait, dirty ho = She does thrust and grind like it's going out of fashion.
This started to really hurt when she got the weird part of my knee, So i lent over the stage and started complaining to my friends about this dirty ho.
So she poured her drink in my hair.
Now i don't normally approve of the C word but after shaking my hair in her face I dropped the C-bomb on her more times then an american flying over Japan. Then she got kicked out and my night resumed it's wonderful ways
On the 25th of June I went out and, once again, met some more dirty whores. It's probably the easiest thing to do in the world, waiting in line. It's not quite as easy as the girls I met but easy nonetheless. If people do it then it just helps society function a lot better.
Anyway these Dirty Ho's kept trying to push in and eventually they all got past me bar two of them. Anyway these 2 that got stuck started having a go at me saying "Just let us in, we wanna go in!" For one thing it was probably the first time they've been the ones saying those sentences. However they were so selfish! EVERYONE WANTS TO GET IN BITCH!, THAT"S WHY WE'RE WAITING!
Then they started being like how old are you anyway like 16? Yeah I though this was a Wiggles concert, jeez i was disappointed when i saw it was a club. Worst insult ever Fuck Off. Anyway eventually we all got in and i didn't see them for the rest of the night. I'll be out on the town again this week please world keep your dirty ho's indoors.

But I wore my Captain Feathersword outfit and everything :(