I was planning on writing bulk stuff about how crazy the night was but to be honest i can't remember all of it.
I do remember that they didn't let me into the deen because i was too awesome for them... at least that's what i think they said.
I also remember that my biff Nicole (see photo) brought her friend Jodie who wasn't allowed into the court so i didn't get to hang out with her until the next night.

was even more fun. i know what you're thinking "How could that be?" but it's true it happened. My uni best friend came this night and she brought all her friends who also have blogs btw so go check them out. One of them is an asian sensation or so i've heard.
My memories from this night including telling Nicole to wear Knickers
then reminding her
then reminding her again
and then probably one more reminder.
Despite all this somehow she forgot to wear knickers and we were subsequently kicked out of the court after one too many vagina exposures.
But it's okay because in the morning i was like ARGHHH why do i have all these cuts n my hands?!?!? *Flashback* new memory coming through.
I smashed someones glass and picked it all off the floor rather carelessly but thanks the court for giving me a medal. jokes i got no medal i gave them the glass and they were like noo go away and i went back towards the dancefloor and they were like what are you doing come back and this happened like 5 times and i was like ARGHHH YOU MAKE NO SENSE.
I got hit on by 2 men who were definitely over 40 hooray
I had my first drunk kebab. It was awesome
Oh and in my drunken stupor i realised that whoever invented Perth was clearly a perv i mean seriously WOOD-bridge WANG-ara, COCK-burn? you didn't make it half obvious or anything
and thats about all i remember but thanks everyone it was soo much fun and i cannot wait to do it again whenever :D cyas

Part A of this sentence: "My uni best friend came" Very nice, thank you.
ReplyDeletePart B of this sentence: "and she brought all her friends" All her friends...I brought 2 people...all my friends? C'mon!
i stand by my comment :D all your friends