So i think Ke$ha is a feminist. If guys are allowed to sing about gettin bitches and slappin' ho's then Ke$ha is just doing the same for women.
For those who haven't heard the animal album then let me run you through it.
1. Your love is my drug = So i've done like crack and heroin and shiz and i've gotta say that your love is almost exactly the same as those hardcore drugs i do.
and by love i mean sexual intercourse.
Your facial hair makes me wet
2. TiK ToK = Clocks make noises. P.s. we should totes go to a party and get drunk and not have sex (unless you look like Mick Jagger)
3. Take it Off = Take your clothes and have sex with me. Everybody please as i'd like to engage in a massive orgy
4. Kiss 'n' Tell = Don't have sex and tell people about it that's disgusting. Seriously why don't you just go ahead and write a whole album about having sex with people i'm glad i would never do that... oh wait
5. Stephen = mmm stephen just coz i slept with everyone except... well no everyone but i don't understand why you won't call me
6. Blah Blah Blah = Why are you still talking and trying to get to know me i just want sex... and to give you a blowjob. fo cereal
7. Hungover = Pretty self explanatory not gonna lie
8. Party at a rich dudes house = Where can we have sex... Got it let's go to some rich dudes house and shack up. get it SHACK up in a MANSION. Ironic i think
9. Backstabber = What's this stabwound in my back oh it's from you i can't believe you slept with my boyfriend. I mean sure he was your boyfriend first and technically he still is your boyfriend but seriously your such a backstabber
10. Blind = I listened to about 3 seconds of this before i got bored but imma take a guess and say that this song is about some guy jizzing in her eye so hard she goes blind
11. Dinosaur = Okay so i do have standards. if you have a colostomy bag i'm probably not gonna have sex with you. Unless your rich
12. Dancing with tears in my eyes = Just a really deep and meaningful song. Could be the next big church hymn
13. Boots and boys = I have a foot fetish and well there's something about boys i like. oh i know it's their penises
14. Animal = um yeah dunno what to say. Bit of an anti-climax soz
I actually love Ke$ha and thats not even a lie i like the fact that she's honest about being a trashy ho bag. And her music is super catchy. like an STD