Some kind of meat machine, but rest assured I was not talking about this. Your dirty mind was correct on this occasion.
INTERRUPTION: I'm listening to "Sexy And I Know It" by LMFAO and the bass just came on and i seriously jizzed soooo much... and back to the blog.

Sooooooo much.
Anyway today after having that thought a second thought entered my mind for the first time.
"But Mitchell, What's so bad about being a slut? Don't you say you shouldn't care what people think? If it's fun and you use protection why not slurry it up a bit?" and for a while i was stumped. Why can't i be a slut if i want? I would love to have sex every night and give my right hand a break for a while but for some reason I just felt like it was wrong and this is when i came up with a metaphor for sluttery.
* Please note this metaphor only works from an aussies POV *
Being a slut is like being Bali. It's fun people like you, some people think you're dirty but overall people still like you and they have fun in and around you. However everyone's been there and there's not much mystery, People will talk and compare their experiences some good or bad. You're quite likely to get people sick if their not safe and, not in a mean way, you're quite cheap.
On the other hand you could be somewhere like the top of Mt Everest. You may not have as much of a reputation as a crazy fun place but people will respect you. More people will wish they could go but aren't able to yet because anyone can but they just need to work really hard to get there. If people go there they'll remember it forever and treasure it, as opposed to Bali where people are like meah I can just go back whenever i want. It's mysterious and majestic and will establish more meaningful journeys.
So yeah that slutaphor helped me make up my mind once and for all. I shall never be a slut and i will never have a one night stand and I'm happy about that :D